15. Mai 2020 – 17. Mai 2020 ganztägig
Het Buitencentrum Overasselt
Sint Walrickweg 9
6611 KG Overasselt


Dear brother/ sister,

In 2020 we will be a chapter for 5 years. We do not let that go unnoticed and that is why we give a party. More information about the location and the party can be found on a specially made website that you can find by clicking on the button below. A registration form can also be found on this website. There is room for up to 120 people so be quick. If the spots are full, you will come to a reserve list in case reservations are canceled.

Go to the digital invitation
For any questions I would like to ask you to fill in the contact form on the website. Through this way, the mail arrives at our party committee. You can communicate in the Dutch and English language. We would like to invite you to distribute this invitation to all members of your chapter. You can refer them to the website https://invite.blueknightsnl5.nl

Thank you very much and hopefully we will see you at the party!

Paul „Jabbar“ Knörr
Secretary – Blue Knights NL V


5 Year Anniversary BK NL V

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